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旭格荣膺中国门窗百强 —— Top 100家装门窗类企业




为了给开发商和业主提供一个优质门窗企业的识别参考,铝门窗幕墙新产品博览会联合中国房地产业与门窗幕墙产业联盟、中国房地产业协会、中国建筑金属结构协会铝门窗幕墙分会自2018年起创办“中国门窗百强”评选活动,从工程门窗和家装门窗两大体系为开发商和业主提供采购首选标识,同时为优质门窗企业提供强而有力的权威背书作用。旭格凭借卓越创新的解决方案及综合全面的服务能力从竞争者中脱颖而出荣膺中国门窗百强 —— Top 100家装门窗类企业。颁奖典礼于8月13日在铝门窗幕墙新产品博览会现场举行。


旭格大中华区执行总裁迪策(Torsten Dietze)表示:“旭格的目标是能够将高品质的设计,前卫的居家理念,以及优质的服务带入寻常百姓家。让美好品质生活变得触手可得。”





The 26th China Window Door Façade Expo was successfully held from August 13th to 15th in Guangzhou. As the industry leading and pioneering exhibition, the Expo attracted more than 600 brands and exhibitors to establish the best yearly purchasing platform for construction projects as well as to help building companies achieve cooperative interaction, resources sharing and common progress. More than 130,000 visitors have visited the Expo.


For the purpose of providing developers and home owners with a fair reference list of premium window and door companies, the Expo co-organized the evaluation and selection of CHINA WINDOOR TOP 100” together with China Real Estate Association and Win-Door, Façade Industry Union as well as Aluminum Window, Door and Curtain Wall Committee of China Construction Metal Structure Association since 2018. The Award is awarded into two categories: engineering and home, which offers developers and end users a preferred list as well as provides high-quality window and door company with strong and authoritative endorsement. Thanks to its innovative solutions and comprehensive services, Schüco stood out of the competition and was awarded “Top 100 Home Decoration Windoor Company” for this year. The award ceremony was held on August 13th, 2020.


Torsten Dietze, Executive Director Schüco Greater China, said: “At Schüco we will continue to do whatever necessary to make premium design, avant-garde home concepts, and quality services more accessible to the ordinary people.”



Windows, Doors and Façade,

there is only one answer: Schüco!
