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Schüco Reported Stable Performance in 2020

中国上海,2021年8月10日 —— 节能建筑外立面的全球领军企业德国旭格国际集团(以下简称“旭格”)近日宣布,虽然2020年受新冠病毒疫情以及各种管控措施的影响,全球增长极具挑战性。但是,随着不断提升的品质生活需求,刺激了该行业增长,尤其是在德国市场上。尽管全球经济形势严峻,旭格集团2020年的营业额仍然高达16.95亿欧元。2020年,旭格集团全年平均员工数约为5650人,集团的经济权益仍然保持在70%左右。



Shanghai, China – August 10, 2021 – Schüco International KG, a global leading provider of system solutions for windows, doors and façades (hereinafter referred to as “Schüco”), today announced that global growth in 2020 was very challenging, given the coronavirus pandemic and the measures and restrictions that came with it. Nevertheless, the construction industry managed to expand cautiously. The continued high demand for living space, particularly on the German market, stimulated growth. This allowed the Schüco Group to achieve a turnover of €1.695 billion for the 2020 business year, despite the challenging economic situation around the world. In 2020, an annual average of 5,650 staff worked for the Schüco Group, and its economic equity remained unchanged at around 70%.


Especially in the Chinese market, Schüco reported a steady growth in 2020. Schüco China kept the stable performance and caught up despite the difficulties. As a global leader in doors, windows, and façades, Schüco aims to better serve Chinese consumers, and keep up with the changing trends in China’s consumer market. Based on commerce, housing, and retail that are viewed as its three pillar industries, the company seeks to lead the Chinese market for doors, windows, and façades, and provide partners and customers with premium quality system design, innovative products, excellent installation and after-sales services, as well as customized solutions. 


In the future, an increasing number of construction and reconstruction projects will be seen in Chinese cities, accelerating the pace of renovation. Schüco China has already formulated a strategy accordingly. Schüco will continue to consolidate its position as a leader in the industry, and in addition to its successful B2B business, the company will make greater efforts to expand its B2C business, so that more retail customers can benefit from its high-quality products and one-stop services. Most importantly, Schüco China will offer efficient, customized product design and services, empowering consumers with its professional level of standards; from the perspective of products and services, the company will further localize its production and management; and in terms of product development, it will create a BL product line, add a new PVC-U line, customize façades, etc.



旭格在加工领域勇敢面对挑战,不断开发铝合金加工方面的全新产品理念和商业模式,以优化工作流程。其目的是打造创新的加工方法,实现最佳的工艺流程,从预制到安装全面满足客户的特定需求。2020 年,旭格顺利完成了与库卡集团(KUKA AG,机器人、设备和系统技术的领先供应商,位于德国奥格斯堡)的第一个具体合作开发项目——借助库卡机器人自动装卸的旭格AF 500五轴加工机床。该项目可为旭格铝合金加工合作伙伴进一步提升数字自动化加工水平。

In the area of fabrication, Schüco is rising to the challenge of developing product ideas and business models for metal fabrication which help to optimize workflows. The aim is to develop innovative fabrication methods for the best possible processes, from prefabrication to installation with different customer sizes. The first concrete development project with KUKA AG (a leading provider of robot, plant and system technology based in Augsburg) was achieved in 2020 with automated loading and unloading of the well-known Schüco AF 500 5-axis processing machine using a KUKA robot. This project has resulted in increased digitally automated fabrication for Schüco metal fabrication customers.



旭格持续推进建筑行业的数字化发展战略,旨在联系起所有的相关流程,包括建筑项目的设计和规划,以及加工、安装、使用、维护和回收。在过去,旭格通过建筑行业的领先展会来展示其产品和服务创新。而早在2020年4月底,公司便宣布取消参加原定于2021年1月举办的慕尼黑国际建材建筑展会BAU,转而利用这段宝贵的时间和精力去关注其他重点项目和领域,协助全球合作伙伴渡过难关,提供相应的支持。目前,相关工作已全面转向线上平台旭格Innovation Now。该平台于2021年1月正式启动,旨在通过趋势、主题、产品发布活动等栏目,随时为全球各地的人详细介绍旭格的创新系统和服务。

The strategy of almost complete digitalization of the processes in construction - with the aim of networking the design and planning stages of a building project, as well as fabrication, installation, use, maintenance and recycling - has been and continues to be pursued. In the past, Schüco always showcased its product and service innovations at the construction industry’s leading exhibitions. Back in April 2020, however, the company was one of the first to announce that it would not be attending the BAU exhibition in Munich as planned for January 2021. Making this decision at an early stage freed up capacity for projects and areas where the company could actively reach its partners around the world during the crisis and supported them afterwards. Work turned to the online platform Schüco Innovation Now. Launched in January 2021, the project aimed to gradually provide people from all over the world, at any time of day, with detailed information about new Schüco systems and services through trends, topics and product launch events.



旭格始终将可持续发展理念视为企业发展的准则以及肩负的社会责任。旭格与世界自然基金会(WWF)共同为旭格的商业活动制定的二氧化碳减排目标有助于实现《巴黎协定》规定的1.5度温控目标。同时,为了减少二氧化碳排放量,2020年,旭格采取多项举措,旨在为产业链上下游创造价值的过程中降低能源消耗和碳排放量。旭格对可持续发展的理解远远超出了保护气候和环境的范畴。值得关注的是,旭格作为“从摇篮到摇篮”(C2C,Cradle to Cradle)理念的开拓者,现今为止已有55个系统通过C2C认证。此外,旭格预计能效的提高将最迟在2050年实现建筑领域的碳中和目标。

Schüco takes sustainability as the rule for its corporate development and one of its social responsibilities. The ambitious CO2 reduction targets that Schüco has set out for its business activities together with the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) will contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°, in line with the Paris Agreement. Schüco brought in various measures in 2020 to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprints at the upstream and downstream value creation stages. The comprehensive understanding of sustainability by Schüco goes far beyond protecting the climate and environment. When it comes to implementing the Cradle-to-Cradle principle in the construction sector, Schüco continues to lead the way with 55 C2C-certified systems. Its improvements in energy efficiency aim to make buildings carbon neutral by 2050 at the latest.




“Looking back at Schüco China’s development in China over the past two decades, we can see that a lot of milestones have been achieved, contributing to the growth of the industry. At Schüco we are committed to craftsmanship and innovation, setting a higher bar in this regard. Our aim is to benefit more consumers with world-class design of doors, windows and façades,” said Torsten Dietze, Executive Director Schüco Greater China. “In the future, Schüco will continue to implement its localization strategy, and provide Chinese consumers with more innovative products and services, and improved use experience as well.”